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    Thursday, March 6, 2014

    Temples of Western Java and East Java - Indonesia

    Borobudur's Temple

    1 . Write the characteristic temples in Central Java to East Java temple !

    Ø temple in East Java

    The temple in East Java are generally more artistic . Placemat or foot of the temple is generally higher and shaped terraced hall . To get to the main building of the temple , one has to cross the hall - storey hall connected with the ladder .

    The body of the temple in East Java generally slender with a terraced roof and tapers to the top of the cube -shaped roof tops . Use of makara side entrance was replaced with a statue or carved dragon . A striking difference was also seen in the reliefs . Relief in East Javanese temples carved with shallow carving techniques ( thin ) and symbolic style . Objects and figures illustrated side view depicted generally taken from the puppet story .

    Development timescales temples in East Java are longer than those taking place in Central Java , which only ranged between 200-300 years . Pembangunanan temple in East Java is still going on until the 15th century . The temples were built during the Majapahit Kingdom generally use basic ingredients of red brick with decorative simpler . In the 13th century Majapahit Empire began to recede along with the prestige of Islam to Java . At that time many sacred buildings associated with Hinduism and Buddhism abandoned and eventually forgotten by most people who have switched to Islam . 

    As a result , the temple was abandoned and began a landslide buried overgrown thicket . When then the area around it developed into a residential area , the situation becomes even worse . The walls of the temple was dismantled and taken stone for the foundation of the house or pavers , crushed red brick while the cement to be red . A number of ornate stone carvings and statues taken by cinder - cinder plantation to display in page factories belonging to the estate or the home office .

    Central Java patterned temples generally have body fat , vertical geometric dimension to the center of the temple is located in the center , while the East Java style slender , horizontal terraces with the most sacred part lies behind . Different premises temples in Central Java , in addition to the monument temple in East Java, allegedly also serves as a place pendarmaan and perpetuation of the king who had died . The temple in East Java amounted to tens , general construction has close links with the Royal Singasari and Majapahit Kingdom .

    Ø temple in Central Java
    The temple in Central Java is generally facing east , built using stones. The temple building and fat-bodied generally located in the central courtyard . Between the legs and the body of the temple there is a fairly wide corridor , which serves as a place to do ' circumambulation ' . Above the doorway of the room and there is a niche of headwear Kala ( Kalamakara ) without a lower jaw . Shape of the roof of the temple in central Java generally widens with ratna or stupa -shaped peak . Repeatability shape clearly visible on the roof .

    In addition to the location and shape of the building , the temple has a characteristic central Java in terms of relief , that the sculpture , objects depicted in relief with figures mengadap naturalist forward. Boundary between one scene to another scene does not seem real and there are fields left blank . Kalpataru tree is regarded as a sacred tree that grows out of many round -shaped object found in the temples of central Java .

    The temple in Central Java and Yogyakarta amounted to tens , general construction has close links with the Hindu Kingdom of Mataram , both under government and Wangsa Sanjaya dynasty dynasty .

    2 . Write down the characteristics of Buddhist and Hindu temples !

    Ø Characteristics of Buddhist temples

    Buddhist temple on the top of the temple there is a stupa form , such as Borobudur temple , temple Mendut , pawon temple , temple Ngawen - narrative reliefs on the walls of the temple reliefs at Borobudur temple example is lelitavistara , Jataka / Avadana , and Gandawyuha - there are good buddha buddha statues in the group Dyani such as Borobudur temple buddha and bodhisattva Dyani group as one of the statues in the temple Mendut .

    Ø Characteristics of Hindu temple

    Hindu temple at its peak there ratna form , such as selogriyo temple , Prambanan temple , Sambisari - dingding story on temple reliefs at Prambanan are eg Ramayana and Krisnayana - there is a statue of the goddess trinity ( Brahma , Shiva, Vishnu ) , durgamahisasuramardini , Agastya , ganesha ( both in the chamber of the temple and the temple wall niches ) .

    3 . Write down all the characteristics of the sculpture :
    a. Lord Shiva
    b . Brahmin gods
    c . Lord Vishnu

    Ø Lord Shiva
    Lord Shiva has characteristics that suit his character , namely :

    Four-armed , each carrying :
    trident , fir , beads / genitri , jug
    Edged three ( tri blind )
    At the headdress are ardha chandra ( crescent )
    Belt of tiger skin
    Decoration on the neck of the cobra
    Vehicle calf Nandini

    By Balinese Hindus , Lord Shiva is worshiped in the Pura Dalem , a god who returns to the human elements, Panca Maha Bhuta be . In Gods pengider Nawa Sanga ( Gods Nawa ) , Lord Shiva occupies towards the middle with the five colors of color . He was armed and riding bulls Padma Nandini .

    Ø Brahmin Gods
    Brahmin gods have common traits possessed Brahma, namely :

    the four-faced look to the four corners of the wind ( chess advance ) , which each carry a face of one of the four Vedas .
    four-armed , each carrying :

    ü Stick Lotus , sometimes spoon ( known as the god Brahma yadnya or ceremonies )
    ü Vedic / holy books
    ü Bows
    ü Genitri
    · Riding a hamsa ( goose ) or sitting on a lotus
    Ø Lord Vishnu
    Lord Vishnu is described as follows :

    A four -armed man . Four -armed symbolizes all its power and all its power to fill the whole universe .
    His skin was dark blue , or the color of the sky . The color blue symbolizes the infinite powers , such as the blue color of the sky or the sea of ​​eternal eternal indefinitely .

    On the chest there is a symbol of Bhrigu Rishi feet .
    There is also a srivatsa symbol on his chest , a symbol of Goddess Lakshmi , her partner .
    In the neck , there Kaustubha gems and necklaces of flowers
    Wearing a crown , symbolizing the power of a leader
    Wearing a pair of earrings , symbolizes two things that have always opposed the creation , such as : policies and ignorance , sorrow and happiness , pleasure and pain .
    Ananta Sesa with bed rest , a sacred snake .

    Vishnu is often depicted holding the four objects are always attached to him , namely :

    Trumpet shells or Shankhya , named " Panchajanya " , held by the upper left hand , a symbol of creativity . Panchajanya symbolize the five constituent elements of the universe in Hinduism , namely : water , earth, fire , air , and ether .
    Discs , rotating arms with sharp serrations , named " Sudarshana " , held by the upper right hand , symbolizes the mind . Sudarshana means a good view .
    Mace named Komodaki , held by the lower left hand , symbolizes the presence of the individual .
    Lotus flower or Padma , a symbol of freedom . Padma symbolizes the power that gave rise to the universe .

    4 . Write the purpose of the ceremony :
    Prambanan's temple
    a. Nyepi
    b . Galungan and Kuningan

    Ø Nyepi
    Nyepi is derived from the word quiet ( silent , silent ) . Nyepi Day is actually a celebration of the Hindu New Year calendars / calendar Çaka , which began in 78 AD . Unlike New Year celebrations AD , Saka New Year begins with a retreat in Bali . No activities as usual . All activities are eliminated , including public services , such as the International Airport was closed , but not for hospitals .

    The main purpose Nyepi is pleading to the presence of Almighty God , to purify Bhuana Alit ( human nature / Microcosmos ) and Bhuana Supreme / macrocosmos ( of the universe ) . Before Nyepi Day , there are several series of ceremonies which Hindus , particularly in the area of Bali .
    Ø Galungan and Kuningan
    Galungan and Kuningan celebration aims to remind people to always win the Hindu dharma in daily life .
    Dharma is the tendency Trikaya Parisuda called as god Sampad , while the opposite , namely Adharma is the tendency of the nature and behavior of keraksasaan or Asura Sampad .
    Trance Three Wisesa tangible as Bhuta Dungulan , Bhuta Galungan and is a symbol of Bhuta Amangkurat Asura Sampad that exists within every human being , which is a tendency to be superior ( Dungul ) , a tendency to win in a fight ( galung ) , and propensity want power ( Amangkurat ) .

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