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    Friday, June 27, 2014

    World Cup Mascot of The Past Until Now (1966 - 2014)

    FIFA World Cup 2014 FIFA World Cup is the 20th, the international soccer tournament held in 2014 in Brazil. This is the second time Brazil hosted the tournament (after 1950), Brazil became the fifth state menyelenggarai ever FIFA World Cup more than once, after Mexico, Italy, France, and Germany.

    The tournament is also the first FIFA World Cup held in South America since Argentina in 1978. Previously there was no South American country hosted the FIFA World Cup more than once. National football team from 31 countries have qualified through a qualifying competition which started in June 2011 to participate with the host nation Brazil in the final tournament.

    A total of 64 matches will be played in twelve cities in Brazil either a new stadium or rebuilt, with the tournament which begins with the group stage. For the first time in World Cup finals, the match will be carried out using goal-line technology.
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    Maskot Piala Dunia dari Dulu Hingga Sekarang (1966 - 2014)

    Piala Dunia FIFA 2014 adalah Piala Dunia FIFA ke-20, turnamen sepak bola internasional yang diadakan pada tahun 2014 di Brasil. Ini adalah kedua kalinya Brasil menyelenggarakan turnamen ini (setelah 1950), Brasil menjadi negara kelima yang pernah menyelenggarai Piala Dunia FIFA lebih dari satu kali, setelah Meksiko, Italia, Prancis, dan Jerman.

    Turnamen ini juga merupakan Piala Dunia FIFA pertama yang diselenggarakan di Amerika Selatan sejak Argentina 1978. Sebelumnya tidak ada negara Amerika Selatan yang menyelenggarakan Piala Dunia FIFA lebih dari satu kali. Tim sepak bola nasional dari 31 negara telah lolos melalui persaingan kualifikasi yang dimulai pada bulan Juni 2011 untuk ikut berpartisipasi dengan negara tuan rumah Brasil di saat final turnamen. 
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    Reason Sweating While Eating In


    This time I will post about sweating when eating, we as normal human beings in general sweat, sweat is good because it indicates that our body in a healthy and normal conditions. But if at the time of eating and sweat, what happened? Will certainly not uncomfortable? Especially if you're having dinner with the idol of our hearts and severity were eating with his family. Definitely will be a little shy and nervous, does not it?

    Sweat usually out by the time we were eating spicy or hot foods that cause the body temperature becomes too hot. It came out a bit excessive sweating while eating, it's quite annoying, but the actual sweat that comes out it becomes a sign that the body condition of the person is actually quite healthy.

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    Alasan Berkeringat Pada Saat Makan


    Kali ini saya akan memposting tentang keluarnya keringat pada saat makan, kita sebagai manusia normal pada umumnya mengeluarkan keringat, keringat itu baik karena menandakan bahwa tubuh kita dalam kondisi yang sehat dan normal. Tapi jika pada saat makan dan mengeluarkan keringat, apa yang terjadi? Pasti akan risih bukan? Apalagi jika sedang makan malam bersama sang pujaan hati dan parahnya kita sedang makan bersama keluarganya. Pasti akan sedikit malu dan gugup, bukan?

    Keringat biasanya keluar pada saat kita sedang makan makanan yang pedas atau panas sehingga menyebabkan suhu tubuh menjadi panas juga. Memang keringat yang keluar agak berlebihan saat sedang makan, rasanya cukup mengganggu, tetapi sebenarnya keringat yang keluar itu menjadi sebuah tanda bahwa sebenarnya kondisi tubuh orang tersebut cukup sehat. 
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    How to Cope with Sudden Lip Swelling


    Fitting this morning I just woke up, as usual I woke up with a swollen lip, I don't know why but often several times already and each time I wake up it definitely woke up with a swollen lip. She's supposed bitten by cockroaches, ants, and other vermin. But this is all fitting investigated because the cold weather and in the end I realized if it turns out I'm allergic hot and cold weather.

    If the weather is hot and prickly skin can be damaged all ckckc, if cold and swollen lips can be swollen so ckckck. And when it's so rich and fastest treatment is to compress natural lips with warm water.

    Here I love the fit and convenient treatment for the swollen lip
    1. Compress lips with hot water, or you can also dip the lips in the warm water and let stand about 10-15 minutes.
    2. Compress lips with ice cubes or cold water in the same way as the hot water.
    3. Tea Bags, which is meant here is the tea bags so how is brewed like regular tea bag and remove the tea bags and let stand until dry water no longer drips.

    Actually there are some ways like using turmeric or aloe vera. However, it is too complicated and it would be easier if you use the method that I recommend the following.

    So much from this post Thanks.
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    The Story of The Children's Way Arrogant

    There is a child who is very very sacred, call it the Rose,, Rose was able to fly, disappear, and do other magic. But he was arrogant to the mother and father, Rose said that the mother and father of the weak and not great like him. Rose still feel want to add brilliance, and his power.

    Eventually he left his parents and flew to the Sun and Rose said,  
    Rose: "The sun, you're really great at all, you're able to illuminate / light on the earth, please make me your student so great I like you"  
    Sun: "I was still losing"  
    Rose: "Lost at whom?"  
    Sun: "I was still lost at the clouds, you're trying to see, when a cloud in the sky then my light not penetrate to the earth"

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    The Story of The Eldest and Youngest

    Assalamualaikum this time want to share a story about brothers the eldest and the youngest. Hopefully this story can provide motivation and inspiration for us all. Amen! Here's the story.

    One day there is a rich man who is seriously ill and dying, because the doctor said, not long before he would die. Feeling his life was no longer, so he gave the message to her two children, namely the Arman and Armin, that they will be given their own company to manage each one.

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    Kisah Anak Sakti yang Sombong

    Ada seorang anak yang sangat amat sakti, sebut saja si Mawar,, Mawar mampu terbang, menghilang, dan melakukan hal sakti lainnya. Tapi dia sombong kepada ibu dan bapaknya, Mawar mengatakan kalau ibu dan bapaknya orang yang lemah dan tidak hebat seperti dirinya. Mawar masih merasa ingin menambah kehebatannya, dan kesaktiannya.

    Akhirnya dia pergi meninggalkan kedua orang tuanya dan terbang ke Matahari dan Mawar berkata,
    Mawar : "Matahari,kau benar-benar hebat sekali, kau mampu menyinari/menerangi bumi,tolong jadikan aku muridmu agar aku hebat seperti kau"
    Matahari : "Aku pun masih kalah"
    Mawar : "Kalah sama siapa?"
    Matahari : "Aku pun masih kalah sama awan,coba kau lihat,saat awan menghiasi langit maka sinarku tak tembus ke bumi"
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